A day in the life of a Techie!

A Techie in simple terms, is a person who is expert in or enthusiastic about technology, especially computers (courtesy, Google search).

You might wonder why I am so interested in the life of a techie? Well, according to you, a techie is just a regular person, leading a pretty ordinary sort of life. True, but still I would like you to have a glimpse of what exactly a techie does in a day (especially the ones who work from home!).

For all those techies out there, read on!

->Get up at 9am (sometimes even 10 or more!) with the alarm buzzing on the iPhone or Android.
-> Stay in the bed, while reading the latest news, not in the newspaper but on your iPad!
->Brush your teeth, with an electric brush.
->Grab a cup of coffee or tea made up in the electric kettle, its convenience that matters.
-> Hungry? Order breakfast online(McDonald's, Domino's etc offer online service) or just press the speed dial button on your phone. 30 minutes or the food's free!
-> Finally, boot up the laptop and onto work!
->WORK! WORK! WORK! until its 1pm in the afternoon.

->  1pm, time for bath, switch on the TV in the bathroom while taking a shower under an electric shower.
-> Back to work! But  hey, working without music is not an option with the techies, so bump up the volume of the music player and rock it!
->3 pm, time for lunch!
-> Order food from outside?? NA! Just pop up the food app on the iPad and get a light dish,easy to prepare dish.
-> Mmmm...yum!! Finally tech food for thought.
->4 pm, time to catch up with friends. Where??? On SKYPE!
-> Just plugin the web cam and start up the conversation!
-> While on SKYPE, time flies, its 5.30pm.

-> Its 5.30pm, time for some exercise!
->Get ready to go out? That's not an option. Just pop open the fitness app on the smartphone and there you go!
-> Burn those calories and track it all  up!
->7 pm, TV time. Just switch on your smart TV and reach your favourite channel with the swipe of your hand!

->9 pm, dinner time!
-> Call up Domino's for a pizza!
->10.30 pm, movie time! Plugin the DVD player with the movie of your choice and prepare some pop corn in the microwave and there you go!
->1 am movie ends, end of the day? not yet!
-> Its game time on your tablet. NFS, Temple run and what not!
->2 am, finally check the emails, set up the 9am alarm, switch on the AC and off you go!

So this was just a humorous take on the day in the life of a techie! Enjoyed?
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