How to convert Android to Windows phone 8

The all new metro interface of Windows phone 8 has caught the attention of one and all. But in case you own an Android device,don't scratch your head off! You are in for some fun!

A development team 'QiHang', has released an app by the name Launcher 8 on the Google Play Store. The exceptional thing about this app is that it gives you the liberty to tailor the look and feel of your Android device and make it look similar to Windows phone 8, boasting the awe-inspiring metro interface.But the functionality of Android is preserved.

Features of Launcher 8:-

1) Windows 8 metro UI.
2) Different tile sizes (3 sizes are there).
3) Windows phone 8 lock screen( along with notifications)
4) Live tiles
5) Add widgets in the tiles.
6) Different tile colours available.

Click here to download Launcher 8. It's rated 4.5/5 on the Google Play Store.

Get a taste of Windows phone 8 right on your Android! Now why would you buy a Windows phone??


  1. >Now why would you buy a Windows phone??
    Uh, because I want an actual Windows Phone instead of a pretend Windows Phone.

  2. looks nothing like a windows phone. I got the nokia lumia 1520. and I think you never had a wp at all!


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