How to post simultaneously to Twitter and Facebook

Social networking, be it Twitter or Facebook has become an indispensable way of life for almost all age groups. Tweeting on Twitter and posting messages on Facebook is a routine activity more than anything else. But what bugs most of us is handling Twitter and Facebook simultaneously.

Hence, we did some research and finally came to the conclusion that there is a way by which you can post simultaneously to Twitter and Facebook. 

Step 1> Open your browser and go to

Step 2> Create your account.

Step 3> 

Choose a trigger channel.( You can choose Facebook or Twitter or any other that suits you).

Step 4>

Once you've chosen the trigger channel, you need to select the action(trigger) that will be executed automatically by ifttt.

Step 5> 

Now, once you are done with choosing the action, you just need to create the trigger.

Step 6> 

Choose the channel where you need to see the results of the trigger.

Step 7> 

Choose the action that needs to be performed in the action channel.

Step 8> 

Complete the action that you want to perform in the action channel ( in this case it is posting a Tweet).

Step 9> 

The last step is the activation of the trigger.

Its time to act smart! Follow these 9 easy steps and make people go gaga over you on Facebook and Twitter simultaneously! ;-)


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