How to receive Twitter notifications through SMS

We all love Twitter and tweeting has become a habit more than anything else. Also, Twitter alerts/ notifications keep buzzing on our mobile devices every now and then, helping us keep up to date with the latest happenings on the platform. But, lack of an internet connection may just lead you to miss out on the latest buzz.

So, receiving Twitter notifications through SMS may just be the solution!

Follow these simple steps to receive Twitter notifications through SMS:-

1) Login to your Twitter account and go to 'Settings'.

2) From the settings menu select 'Mobile'.

3) Select the country code and enter the mobile number.

4) Enter the verification code that you'll receive on your mobile device.

5) Once the mobile number is verified, tick mark any of the 3 options - Tweet alerts, Announcements from Twitter, Follow recommendations, you want to receive on your mobile as an SMS alert.

So keep tweeting and never miss out on the latest buzz on Twitter!


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