Trick to remove password from PDF files using Google Chrome

Isn't it common these days to come across any PDF file which is password protected. Surely, with the increase in cyber crime, security of important files is necessary. But, it does become a hassle to enter that password everytime we open a password protected PDF file, remembering that password is bigger task altogether.

password protedted PDF

But, Google Chrome can help you do away with that password forever!

Here's how:-

1) Drag any password-protected PDF file into your Google Chrome browser. 

2)  Google Chrome will now prompt you to enter the password of the file. Enter the password and hit "Enter" to open the file.

save PDF

3) Now press Ctrl+P on Windows or  Cmd+P on Mac.Under Local destinations choose “Save as PDF” and click the "Save" button.

4) Google Chrome will now save the PDF to your desktop but without the password protection. If you re-open this PDF in Chrome, it would no longer require a password to open. 


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