Top 3 free Artificial Intelligence courses available in India

Artificial Intelligence has taken the tech world by storm. Techies around the world are flocking to AI events and signing up to AI courses. This isn't just another wave of technology, it is here to stay and most probably it will affect everything around us.

If your inner geek has awaken and even you want to learn a bit of AI (or more), here's a list of the top 3 artificial intelligence courses available in India, online:-

1) Andrew Ng's Coursera course

This course offers a great opportunity to learn AI from Andrew Ng, who is the founder of Google's Deep Learning Research Unit, Google brain and Head of AI for Baidu, a Chinese Multinational Technology Company.

The course covers a broad range of topics ranging from enhanced web search to speech recognition. Technical knowledge is also imparted along with a MATLAB tutorial

The whole course can be taken for free, but certification definitely requires payment.

2) Udacity course

This AI course on the 2nd most popular EdTech Platform Udacity is free of cost. Course duration is 4 months.

But, before you start the course, you need to have a basic understanding of probability theory and linear algebra.

3) Class Central AI course -

Considered to be the number 1 search engine for free online courses and MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), it offers a comprehensive course on AI.

So, what are you waiting for? Awaken your inner geek with these awesome AI courses. Get, set , go!


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